Tanzalm in summer
A guest at the Jerzner Alm

Remarkable: The first milk pipeline in Austria
The Tanzalm was built in 1957 and has been continuously expanded and modernized ever since. In summer, around 70 cows graze on the Hochzeiger alpine pastures, which are housed and cared for in the Tanzalm stables. A special feature of the Jerzner Alm is the milk pipeline. Over 50 years ago, the farmers of Jerzens laid a milk pipeline from the Tanzalm to Jerzens. During the alpine summer, the milk flows 3.5 kilometers underground to Jerzens every day, covering 900 meters of altitude in 30 minutes. From Jerzens, the milk is then transported to the dairy.
Opening hours
The summer opening times of the Tanzalm can be found here.

Contact us
Wechselberger family
Tel. 0043 (0) 664 1818745,
Hat: 0043 (0) 5414 87553